Saturday, November 12, 2011

Well of Zam Zam and turned the Facts

So far, we know well of Zamzam from religious books. But there are actually scientific side as well saintifiknya looh. Branch of geology that studies about water is hydrogeologi.

Usefulness of Zam-zam water is certainly not here that should be explained, but if mythical geological Zam-zam well could probably be explained here. A little story of Pre-Islamic, or before the birth of Prophet Muhammad, beginning with the story of Prophet Ibrahim's wife, Siti Hajar, who are looking for water for her story. The well is then not much or no story, so well is reportedly missing.
Well of Zam-zam we currently see is the wells dug by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, the Prophet Muhammad. So today, the "science persumuran" then the well of Zam-zam, including categories of dug wells (Dug Well Water).

Recorded Figure on Mars

Whether Mars is so quiet with no life at all? The debate on this increasingly heated up again when the photo figure aliens on the surface of Mars circulating on the internet.
In the photo looks similar to a human figure sitting on a rock edge. Photos released by NASA's Spirit rover spacecraft recorded shortly after the successful landing on the Martian surface. Spirit is one of NASA's twin spacecraft are still active along the surface of Mars.

Human Fly

Throughout history, people are very interested in flying. One example is the ancient Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus escaped from the labyrinth that is the Island of Crete with his wings.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Legend of Bigfoot

Big hairy creature that walked like a human, which is said to hide in the forests or areas difficult to reach. In North America they are called Bigfoot or Sasquatch. In Asia, particularly the Himalayan region, they are known as the Yeti or the terrible snowman. In South America, the Amazon, there is the term Mapinguari, his nickname is currently in Australia Yowie.

Solving Stonehenge Secrets

Archeologists said they would uncover the secret veil of Stonehenge, the majestic stone monuments in Britain megalistik South - then when will the first standing stones placed in the ancient religious place?
Concentric stone circles that make up Stonehenge, 130 miles southwest of London on the vast plains of Salisbury, consisting of giant sandstone blocks and smaller bluestones-colored volcanic rock with a bluish white spots.

Solve the Mystery Experiment "God Particle"

"Large Hadron Collider is a ring" particle accelerator "and" Atom-Smasher "giant custom-made by the Agency for European Nuclear Research (CERN) with a length of around 27 km depth pd who is located 175 meters below ground. Built between the French and Swiss border, the ring itself consists of 9300 superconducting magnet coils with a weight of tons of who strung together like sausage and then cooled to about 96 tonnes of liquid helium.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Period Prehistoric Nuclear War?

Epic of Mahabharata tells the descendants of Pandu and the great conflict in memperbutkan throne Dritarasta kerajaan.Menurut sources that I can, this epic was written in 1500 BC, and according to estimates, the war broke out they will be about 5000 years ago.

3 Hours Trapped in the Past

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Dated August 4, 1951, the dawn had not yet dawned. Roared the sea by the waves that hit patter reefs in coastal areas Puys, France.

The Hallway is Appallingly Time

Mystery of the events that occurred several years ago, and that caused a stir is the reappearance of luck Naval Titanic victims are still alive.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Indigo Child

In popular language is called indigo child or a sixth sense because these children have specific characteristics rather different from most children. Later we will see what these characteristics.

Mystery Disappearance of the Russian Princess Anastasia revealed

Anastasia is one of the daughter of Czar Nicholas II, last emperor of Russia who were slaughtered by communist forces. Russian society for decades to believe that the daughter Anastasia escaped from the massacre and lived by hiding his identity. Now the 90-year-old mystery that may have been successfully uncovered by researchers with the discovery of a tomb containing the bones of two men. One of the most romantic stories in Russia was ended with a dark and depressing.

Proof that Kim Jong Il had died in 2003

Is Kim Jong Il has died? Yes, North Korea's beloved leader has died in the fall of 2003, Write a professor of Waseda university named Toshimitsu Shigemura.
Shigemura is a former employee Manichi Shimbun newspaper and is regarded as one expert Korean issues. He wrote a book entitled "The true character of Kim Jong il."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Human Corpses of Butterflies from the UK

Maybe you've seen this photo via email, or via a website. people call it a fairy or a human cadaver corpse butterfly. But here's the actual reality:

The skull of "Vampire" found in medieval Italy

This is not a film one episode of blood-sucking vampire or a vampire, but Van Helsing seemed medieval trying to save us from the vampires do not use a sharp piece of wood, they use a brick.

Codex Gigas: The Bible devil

Codex Gigas or the giant book is a medieval manuscript with the largest size that still exist. This book was written at the beginning of the 13th century on the orders of Benedict's monastery at podlazice in Bohemia. Currently the book is stored at the Swedish Royal Library in Stockholm. It takes energy to lift the two librarians book. This book is often called "the bible the devil" because of the large size of a pictorial illustration of the devil in it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Did you know? Sleep Too Night Causes Liver Cancer

The doctors at the National Taiwan Hospital recently shocked the world of medicine since the discovery of the case of a 37-year-old young doctor who has been very trusting the results of liver function tests (GOT, GPT), was the eve of Chinese New Year's Day a positive note with liver cancer during the 10 cm !

Discovered, remaining Loch Ness Monster

Archaeologists have spent months time to collect dozens of bones were found on the coast of England. The bones are the remnants of a creature that resembles the Loch Ness. After collecting and reassembling the bones like a puzzle, scientists get a 70% complete skeleton called a plesiosaur.

Strange Deaths in History

2 posts from the outside source in 2007 (credit to original writers!). Maybe there are colleagues who are able to post the original, original is 40's cause of death, but here I chose 23 of them the most bizarre.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Facts About Animals, Strange But True

We often do not realize that animals that exist in this world even those around us have a miracle. The facts about the animal is classified under strange but true:

The Names of Demons Around the World

Satan, whatever the title is a representation of something evil.
These figures can we find in the culture, religion and any country.

But once guns if you know the devil's name is more than terrorists aliases
so it can be contrived list from A to Z?

Creepy Places In The World

Around the world must have a lot of scary places. Want to knowthose places?