Monday, November 7, 2011

Discovered, remaining Loch Ness Monster

Archaeologists have spent months time to collect dozens of bones were found on the coast of England. The bones are the remnants of a creature that resembles the Loch Ness. After collecting and reassembling the bones like a puzzle, scientists get a 70% complete skeleton called a plesiosaur.

These marine reptiles like the Loch Ness, with a long neck and tail and thin. Plesiosaurs lived in the Jurassic era 150 to 200 million years ago in the territory of the former Channel is the tropical oceans.
"They're rare. There are only 10 examples of complete or only a portion of this species, "said Richard Edmonds, science manager of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site.
I have been researching for 30 years and I've never found a bone like that, "he added. Bone fragments, soon to be published (Dailymail) Fragments of bone, soon to be published (Dailymail)

The remaining bones were discovered by Tracey Marler under rocks in Monmouth Beach. He initially found only one bone. He then accompanied fossil expert, returned to the area and found more bones. After evacuating the 150 bones, also found the skull, tusks and teeth. "It was in pieces but it sure looks like what. Complete tail bone, "he said.