Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mystery Disappearance of the Russian Princess Anastasia revealed

Anastasia is one of the daughter of Czar Nicholas II, last emperor of Russia who were slaughtered by communist forces. Russian society for decades to believe that the daughter Anastasia escaped from the massacre and lived by hiding his identity. Now the 90-year-old mystery that may have been successfully uncovered by researchers with the discovery of a tomb containing the bones of two men. One of the most romantic stories in Russia was ended with a dark and depressing.

The story begins on July 17, 1918, communist forces stormed the Palace of the Russian Bolsheviks and massacring the emperor Nicholas II, Queen Alexandra and their five children namely Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexei crown prince and his servants. The Russian Revolution begins and end the Romanov dynasty rule which has lasted for 304 years. Outstanding issues among the people of Russia that the two children of Nicholas II survived the massacre. This is reinforced by the discovery of a mass grave in 1991 in Yekaterinburg in the Urals region, 900 miles east of Moscow that contains the bones of the entire royal family, was not found inside the bodies of two other children Czar Nicholas II. The public believes that the crown prince Alexei and Anastasia survived and lived to conceal his identity.

But researchers revealed in a recent report that there is no happy ending for all members of the kingdom, including daughter Anastasia. In 2007 a ​​team of researchers managed to find the second grave just a few hundred feet from the first grave in which there are remains of two human bodies. DNA analysis of the two parts of human bones that suggest a link between bone by bone the other Romanov family. The Russian government confirmed that the bone is one of them belonged to the daughter Anastasia after getting lab results from Russia, Britain and the United States.

"I was asked to conduct the study." Said Evgeny Rogaev, a molecular genetic scientist at the University of Massachusetts, who led the investigation. "This is a difficult case," he continued. The final report of the investigation was published online in February 2009 in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences.

A sad sight was on the front of the researchers. The person who killed two men have tried to destroy their bodies with fire and sulfuric acid, may be done to hide the identity and time of their death. This has made the work of researchers led Rogaev be more difficult than imagined.

Rogaev previously also been asked by the Russian government to perform forensic tasks in 1997 against the bones in the tomb first. Now he has been asked to end the dark history of Russia for good.

The key that is used by Rogaev is mitochondrial DNA that contained the remains of bones. Mitochondrial DNA obtained from the mother only. In contrast with Autosomal DNA that can be obtained from the father and mother. Thus Rogaev and Tim can connect DNA with DNA queen Alexandra. Another key is to compare the Y chromosome lineages of Romanov. Research from the second grave showed that the bone came from a man and a woman. So a team of researchers can compare the Y chromosome of the Crown Prince Alexei with Czar Nicholas II.

The research team also get help from unexpected places, from the State Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg. The museum was storing clothes Czar Nicholas II, which contain blood stains, the rest of the assassination attempt on Nicholas II when he visited Osaka in 1891. From the blood stains, researchers get a clear DNA.

From all these comparisons, it emerged that the two bones in the cemetery belongs to the Crown Prince Alexei and his sister, some thought Maria, Anastasia some more thought. However, a whole family of Nicholas II has been found complete in the two graves. That means closing the mystery that has been aged 90 years to forever.

There is no end to beautiful family of Nicholas II, especially Anastasia. The most romantic tales in Russian history has ended for ever in a quiet grave without a headstone.