Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mystery of the Black Death in Europe

Events that had thugs ravage Europe around the year 1347 and 1351. 

The history of Confucianism

Born around the year 551 BC in the small town of Lu, now enter the province of Shantung in northeastern mainland China. In young widowed father, making life miserable in her mother's side.

Legend of Santa Claus

The legend of Santa Claus appeared in thousands of years ago. God of war in Northern European legend, during the winter, riding the eight-legged horse sprint to the end of the sky over the sea, punishing evil and praising the good, share the prize.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The World's First President Refuse Paid.

We consider that inappropriate for the president to imitate. Who is it?


It may seem surprising, but the word "Nostradamus" is one of the most searched name on the Internet, even more popular than Osama Bin Laden or Madonna. What do want to know the people in the 21st century about Nostradamus and his predictions?

The Hallway is Appallingly Time

Mystery of the events that occurred several years ago, and that caused a stir is the reappearance of luck Naval Titanic victims are still alive.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Case The case of Mad World

A woman from tenesse who upset after catching her husband fell asleep with a cigarette in his hand still on his mattress so that the puncture, who also left a cigarette still burning in the same spot only to her husband what ADVISED OF THE CONSEQUENCES IF asleep in bed with D STILL LIT CIGARETTE ... eventually ... house burn out ..

Sleep Paralysis

Ever wake up from sleep, but hard to move or scream? Relax, you're not bothered subtle creatures. This scientific explanation!

10 Church Widest In The Word

Want to know the 10 largest churches in the world? let us check directly ...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Second Montauk Monster Found in Long Beach

In July 2008, a mysterious corpse washed ashore Montauk surf, a district in New York. The discovery was soon made ​​headlines in major media in America. The identity of the creature is still a matter of controversy and debate. Now, after nearly a year, a mysterious carcass similar to the Montauk carcass washed up on shore of Long Island, also in New York.
For those who have never heard the Montauk Monster, here's her story:

Mothman Mystery - Human moths of Point Pleasant

There have been many mystery blog or website that discusses about the Mothman mystery. Mystery set in the world that are not resolved, the Mothman is among the most widely discussed. because this blog is also dedicated to World Mysteries report, the discussion is specifically for those who have never heard of the Mothman, the human moths from Point Pleasant.

Mysterious Skull Found by a Plumber in Dallas

May 2009, a plumber who was working on a project outside of North Dallas school accidentally finds a mysterious skull. "We all know that it is a primate skull," said David Evans, 25 years, the inventor of Alvarado. "Only we do not know of any type."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Arsenic Know

What is arsenic?...What is arsenic? let's check...

Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Once said, sea and air in this region never showed any symptoms of the disorder before the aircraft or ship suddenly disappeared here. The impression that this is an opinion as to the pilot or captain never have time to take steps to avoid them. And, a phenomenon that happens there is too powerful as to be avoided. This impression was confirmed a report that was announced as a spokesman for Schilling air base, that there was no distress call before the accident occurred.

Mystery of the Bearded lady

Julia Pastrana was the woman who became famous with the nickname "bearded lady" in pertangahan in the 1800s. Now, launch LiveScience preaching, Sunday (24 / 5) mentioned, more than 150 years scientists finally managed to uncover the genetic mutation causes the rare condition experienced by Julia.