Thursday, November 3, 2011

Secret Dollar Banknotes and Events 9 / 11

After the events of September 11 occurred, on the internet circulated an interesting story about the U.S. Dollar bills are believed to have predicted the event. Is it true that the U.S. dollar banknotes have been designed 450 years ago knew the disaster will happen? or the events of September 11 is a high-level conspiracy conducted by the U.S. government itself?
The conspiracy theory believers reasoned that the U.S. dollar banknotes designed by members of Freemasonry and the Illuminati, which is a secret society that is considered most responsible for the many events in this world. This organization aims to create a new world order. Look at the pictures below:

We start from the 20 dollar bill: Visible smoke of burning Pentagon ....

Now the relationship between 20 Dollars with WTC in New York:

And the pleats once again showed a picture similar to the twin towers that emit smoke.

Once again, the picture below shows more clearly ...

Still a $ 20 bill. When folded in a way like this, it appears the name of Osama.

Now the five dollar bills. Folded like that, and the image appears showing the WTC towers before and after the planes hit.

See the money $ 100 the following:

50 dollars ..... a picture that shows when the building collapsed ....

Whether events of September 11 has been predicted by this paper money? or just a coincidence. At least this is an intelligent Origami.