Ralph Gray Wolf, a member of the Indian tribes of Alaska Athapaska, say, Sasquatch appeared to help the groups that are having problems. They bring the message the need for a change.
The same was found in Britain, linked with the legend that has been heard since centuries. Two years ago some researchers on an expedition to Bolam Lake, near Newcastle. They trace the appearance of creatures big and dark touted since the 18 months before. On a day in the lush banks of the lake, six people from the group finally saw what they called Beast of Bolam.
"What they see is not a bigfoot or Sasquatch. He is a hazy figure in the trees, and more like ghosts than fleshy creatures. Moreover, if the creature's fleshy, English is not a suitable place for them, "said Richard Freeman, of the Centre for Fortean Zoology, which one of his friends to witness the apparition.
It makes him believe, the legends of bigfoot - also Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui in Scotland and in Wales Grey King - actually a paranormal creature. "They're not a ghost or spirit of a dead creature. I think they are more complex than that. "
In his journey as a professional monster hunter, Freeman has traveled all over the world collecting the stories and clues about the mysterious creatures. He found in many cultures, there is a creature type that always arise. He called it as a general model of international monster, which include the dragon and other giant reptiles, a large ape creature like Sasquatch and Yeti, tiny people like short men and dwarves, giant birds, dogs and cats as well as imitation.
"Perhaps these monsters similar to the creatures that our ancestors encountered. Perceptions about the creature's ancestors left in our minds. Well, under certain conditions, the creatures seem to appear in front of us. "
"Being in mind it's the truth often arise. If we believe in the existence of something, then what we see is often manifest as what we believe, "said Freeman.
For example, in experiments in Loch Ness, the researchers a piece of wood floating in the lake monster known inhabited. Wood laid the afternoon when a group of tourists visiting. The result, most visitors are sure you have seen Nessie, the inhabitants of the lake!
Those people seem to already have a conviction about the existence of monsters, making it easy for them to say, "I saw Nessie, or Bigfoot, or Yeti," when they see something.
Well, the last Sasquatch sightings in the Yukon, the results of laboratory studies showed that the fur left behind the monster turns out to bison fur. But like previous events, stories and sightings bigfoot expected to continue to emerge. The search will continue. And the truth of its existence will remain in their eyes have ever seen.