Saturday, October 22, 2011

Unique Kemukus Mountain

Located Kemukus Mountain in the Village of  Pendem, District Sumber Lawang, Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia, 30 km north of Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.

The Tower of Babel

Now the whole earth had one language and few words. And as men migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly."

Stonehenge and the Rings of Rock

Stonehenge maybe, in many peoples' minds, the most mysterious place in the world. This set of concentric rings and horseshoe shapes on the empty Salisbury Plain, is, at the age of 4,000 years, one of the oldest, and certainly best preserved, megalithic (that means large, often ancient, stone) structures on Earth.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Message In a Bottle

This is not a fairy tale. But the real events that occurred since time immemorial. A number of stories about the messages being inserted into the bottle and washed out to sea. A way of sending messages that remain memorable in the history of mankind.

Reincarnation Nuns Period of Ancient Egypt

Many people hear stories about reincarnation. Namely the return of the soul and spirit from the past to the body in the present one. The issue is difficult to prove, but is it true about reincarnation could this happen?

Superstition A King

He strongly believe in superstition. Although in his day the case is not something strange superstitions. But for a king Yemeni ruler of the Arabian peninsula, such as Hamid Yehia, trust it sounded odd. Both among its people and its neighbors.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (John F Kennedy / JFK)

A number of documents and transcripts of conversations about the planned assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) was found. Will the mystery and the mastermind behind the murder was revealed?


Ba'albek is one of the most mysterious archaeological sites in the world, because many of his puzzles that have not been successful only disini.Salah unanswered is how the builders move and arrange the stones block weighing 1200 tons

Ancient Model Aircraft

Are the odds prehistory of the concept of modern aircraft can only be found in Egypt and India alone? the answer is of course not.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Bounaroti Michelangelo (1475-1564) is a sculptor, painter and builder of the famous Italian Renaissance, a great artist is versatile and well rounded. Expertise in the field of sculpting, painting, building, and poetry gathered together at the same time on him.

Dropa Stones

In 1938, a team of archaeologists from the University of Peking (Beijing) who are conducting a survey caves in Baian Kara-Ula mountains, Tibet found a cemetery in one of the caves are made with a very neat, containing the skeleton-like people in general, except for the skull larger, not comparable with the proportions of her body.

Supreme terrible explosion in Siberia (1908)

Without intending to exaggerate, the mystery of great and terrible explosion that occurred in the Tunguska region in 1908 ago, became one of the mysteries of the world which until now has made me dying of curiosity!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Photo of aliens in the Chilean city park

Much of the evidence in the form of photos or videos have been put forward to prove the existence of aliens or Extra terestrials. Perhaps many are fake, but it may also have the original. This is a photo that should be seen.

The oldest bridge in the world are found in India

NASA space shuttles had managed to find an ancient bridge that connects India and Sri Lanka. The bridge was estimated to have 1.75 million years old and at the same time confirming that the record contained in the ancient book of the Ramayana.

Tower of Pisa

Leaning Tower of Pisa (in Italian: Torre pendente di Pisa) or commonly called the Tower of Pisa (La Torre di Pisa) is a bell tower of a cathedral in Pisa, Italy. The tower is located behind the cathedral and is the third structure in the Campo dei Miracoli (miracle) of Pisa.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Five President of Indonesia Ever tricked

Here is the story of the president of Indonesia who have been victims of fraud

The discovery of a mysterious cave on Mars and Wood Beams

Mystery of the discovery of artifacts such as animal bones, human skulls and a statue of Mars is still unsolved. Now the researchers discovered caves and wooden shaped object on the planet Mars.

Who is the Dajjal (Antichris)?

Antichrist is a man of Jewish descent. He's not a genie or whatever other creatures besides humans who he is as a deferred death "Minal Munzharin" just as the Prophet Isa who was appointed by Allah to the sky and deferred his death so that he will go down originally upon this earth and he would die and in buried in Madinah Al Munawwarah. Likewise with the devil who in his death so that the Judgement deferred.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Origins of Halloween

Halloween is a tradition of celebration evening of October 31 in those countries speak English, do strangely dressed children who traveled from door to door asking neighbors or chocolate candy by saying "Trick or treat!" Speech "Trick or treat!" is a kind of "threat" which means "Give us the (candy), or us ignorant." Kids today are usually no longer ignorant people's houses who do not give something. 

History of the Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty, the pride and symbol of the City of New York, it was not made ​​in New York. The statue, which was designed by French sculptor, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi was first built and developed in France in 1874.

UFOs in Russia in the fall of 1969 Revealed

Many people already know about the 1947 Roswell, an incident which is believed by many as UFO crash in Roswell area, New Mexico. And now, the secret information about UFOs in Russia in the fall of 1969 began to unfold.