Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mothman Mystery - Human moths of Point Pleasant

There have been many mystery blog or website that discusses about the Mothman mystery. Mystery set in the world that are not resolved, the Mothman is among the most widely discussed. because this blog is also dedicated to World Mysteries report, the discussion is specifically for those who have never heard of the Mothman, the human moths from Point Pleasant.

Mothman is a name given to a creature reportedly seen in Point Pleasant, West Virginia between 12 November 1966 to December 1967. Many witnesses stated that the Mothman is a winged creatures such as moths, high-human-sized and most prominent is the bright red eyes. Sometimes there are some witnesses who say that the creature has no head and his eyes are on her chest.

The first testimony about the Mothman came on 12 November 1966 of five men who were in a local cemetery to prepare a burial ceremony. When they're working, they are aware of a human-shaped creature that emerged from the dark between the trees and then flew over their heads.

Another report comes from two pairs of young couple from Point Pleasant named David and Linda Scarberry and Steve and Mary Mallette. One night on November 15, 1966, they were traveling night with Scarberry's car. They pass through a region of factories in West Virginia named TNT. The name was given because during the second world war, the plant was used as a location for the manufacture of ammunition. As they pass through the area, they saw the two big red eyes in the darkness of the night near the gate of the factory. They stopped the car and finally realized that the two red lights are a pair of eyes belong to a strange creature. In the description, they say, "The creature has the height and shape like a human, probably about 1.8 meters tall and have wings that folded on his back."

Frightened, they immediately sped towards route 62. The creature was immediately reacted by flying after them. They realize that the creature came closer, although the car was driven at speeds over 100 miles / hour. But then, the creature disappeared mysteriously.

According to Deputy Sheriff Millard Halstead that receive their report, "I've known these kids all their lives, they never make any trouble. They're really scared that night. I responded to their reports seriously." After the news spread to local residents, some men with guns soon combing the TNT area to look for signs of the existence of such creatures. But there is no trace of any found.

The next testimony came from couples Raymond Wamsley and Mrs. Marcella Bennett. When they want to drive to visit their friend Ralph Thomas, they were aware of a figure appeared behind their parked car. According to Mrs. Bennett seems creature was lying and then slowly rose from the ground. And saw its large gray with a pair of red eyes and wings are folded his back. Mrs. Bennet was so frightened that she dropped the baby who was was carrying. While Wamsley phoned the police, the creature disappears.

Other testimony followed one after another began and the story began to spread widely. On November 24 next, four people saw the creature flying across the TNT area.

On November 25 morning, Thomas Ury was driving on route 62 claimed to see a creature standing in a field, then stretched its wings and fly. He immediately sped to the office serif to give a report.

The media began reporting sightings of this creature. A reporter from Ohio newspapers dubbed this creature as the Mothman - a human moth. This is because the witness who described the creature has wings shaped like the wings of moths. Other descriptions of the Mothman is a squeaking sound that issued the creature. Other witnesses even describe her voice as a woman who was screaming.

Apparitions continue to happen until next year. On December 15, 1967, a bridge called the Silver Bridge was built in 1928 collapsed, killing 46 people. The report states that enter the Mothman sighting shortly before the bridge collapsed.

On the eve of the collapse of the bridge, the surrounding community reported mysterious lights in the sky. And few days later, a reporter named Mary Hire arrival of a mysterious man with a black shirt and tie. They say that they want to know the appearance of the lights in the sky. And perhaps because of mysterious events occur sequentially in Point Pleasant, then the speculation developed in such a way. A writer named John Keel, in 1975 wrote a book called "The Mothman Prophecies" which relates to the activities of Parapsychology Mothman, UFOs and Men in Black.

Whatever creature called Mothman, it is certain that the creature was not a hoax. Given the more than 100 people claimed to have met her. The sighting reports even extends to the Ohio region, Galipolis, Salem, St. Albans, Lowell, Maysville and Kentucky.

John Keel believes that Point Pleasant is the "window" where often there are reports of strange sightings, monster and the arrival of the mysterious. The residents believe that the mysterious events in Point Pleasant is a result of Cornstalk curse addressed to Point Pleasant in 1770's. Cornstalk is the name of a leader of the Shawnee Indians. Tribes were forced to move by white people to Ohio. Chief Cornstalk later betrayed and murdered by white men. Shortly before his death, he pronounced a curse upon the land which is now the Point Pleasant area.

Among other legendary creatures, perhaps Mothman was the most unique, because of reports of sightings of this creature does not come only from the general public, but also of police officers and community leaders.

Mothman sightings outside of Ohio and Virginia are listed in English along the road near the village of Sandling Park, Kent on November 16, 1963. Four of the farmers see the animals move out of the sky and disappear behind the trees not far from them. Out of fear, they fled, but then stopped after seeing a light golden oval floating several feet above the fields. They described the object as a UFO. Suddenly, accompanying the appearance of it, a dark shadow walked and went to the breeder's. The shadow turned out to belong to the one being black dark, tall man, with no head and wings like a bat. They were so frightened and so can not move, and then the creature disappeared.

Photo below taken by a married couple from Kentucky who was taking a walk with their dogs. They live on the border between Ohio and Kentucky. When they're looking at the bridge that connects the two states, they saw an object which is perched at the end of the bridge and then fly. They took the camera and immediately photographed. Mothman?

Below the skull was found in 2001, close to the discovery of the corpse three children in 1986, allegedly as a skull Mothman.

Footprints estimated to belong to the Mothman in Greenup county ohio 1986.

The second photo below shows the figure of a mysterious flying.

No one knows for sure about the Mothman, at least he adds to his mysterious world. And is not that what we want. Something that is not answered.