Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Indigo Child

In popular language is called indigo child or a sixth sense because these children have specific characteristics rather different from most children. Later we will see what these characteristics.

Hi teen magazine last year investigated the indigo child is complete with a few examples of children who had interviewed, including some of our young artists that tells the ups and downs have a gift like that because there are some people who think that ability is not as a gift, but as a matter of a curse. Why should it happen so? We see the story below.

Unlike the children who received the title of genius their brainpower incredible smart and make them stand out in learning achievement, and always ensured always ranked number one in the class even in his generation, including children indigo child in daily life can seem ordinary only average in terms of achievement, even some who have left behind.

That fact does not mean child indigo children who had a low IQ, even otherwise if their IQ checked even many who are very high, commensurate, even more than, child genius IQ. Well where is the problem, why they may differ. Indigo child learn mostly lazy and lacking ambition, and even some children complain of frequent headaches due to many things that they do not understand in their minds.

Although ultimately we see many indigo children can indeed match the star scores of children genius.

As we know, humans generally have five senses, but what is called the sixth sense, until the term was born. The word itself derives from the name indigo color is indigo, known as the color blue to violet. How does the color relationship with the children who got the nickname and known to have a sixth sense, intuition Senses question is, everybody but actually have a special intuition indigo children have a remarkable intuition sharply over the ability of ordinary people.

They are so sensitive as a child prodigy has intelligence above average, as well as indigo children have extraordinary intuition sharp.

In the medical literature like yoga, prana, autohipnotis, meditation and so well known that in addition to having a physical human being who can be seen and touched also have a subtle body that can only be seen by people who are gifted clairvoyance, that is, those who extra-sensory perception (ESP) - its well-developed because the body's subtle energy shaped beam under four octaves from the ability to see naked eye.

Invisible to the eye itself is only able to see the colors of the rainbow, from purple to red. While the subtle body that is under the red color including far infrared ray (FIR) with a wavelength of about 12-6 microns, the frequency of 60-120 Hz, and lay people know him mention the aura. Namely, electro-magnetic rays from the body. Electromagnetic rays emanating from one's body surrounds the physical body is elliptical in shape, color quality and density indicates a person's health and character.

To find out what color of electromagnetic rays, known as aura, now people do not need to wait to have ESP abilities, known also by the term "third eye".

Here we will see what chakras are and where the link color with sharp intuition that makes a person predicated indigo with the sharpness of his intuition.

In the human subtle body called the bioplasmic body also known to have the doors of energy. Health doors that the underlying energy of electromagnetic energy (aura) and the color of a person who was captured as electromagnetic rays that are the result of the dominance of active energy doors. The doors are called chakras energy is taken from Sanskrit which means the wheels are spinning.

In the body of literature known Yoga bioplasmic someone had the doors of energy, amounting to around 360 and consists of large doors, medium, and small. But the very act produces the aura color is great doors, and known as the major chakras, amounting to seven and have a name and a specific color, as well as provide their own energy intensity in each area of ​​physical health of the organs of the body itself is described as follows.

  • Base chakra color of red energy responsible for healthy bones and muscles in the physical body and energizes the spirit of one's life.
  • The second chakra orange color of the energy responsible for the health of the reproductive organs and energizes the ability to interact with others.
  • The third chakra color yellow energy responsible for the health of the reproductive organs and energizes the ambitions of a person's positive or negative.
  • The fourth chakra color green energy is responsible for all organs within the chest cavity and energizes the sympathy of one's feelings.
  • The fifth chakra color blue responsible for energy in the cavity of the neck organs, including ear, nose and throat (ENT) and energizes the person's ability to interact and communicate, as well as subtle creativity such as painting, and writing.
  • The sixth chakra is also called the color of indigo energy values ​​that are responsible for all organs in the cavity of the head including the senses and energizes the sensitivity of intuition and feeling acuity (felling) to abstract things, such as thinking quickly.
  • The seventh chakra color violet energy are responsible for all the organs in the head, especially the brain and energizes the attitude of a person associated with the deity.

So, obviously not have the sharpness intuition indigo child because of his electromagnetic rays, that is the aura that is almost entirely a sign of a more dominant activity of the energy that one door that is the third eye chakra is indigo colored energy release indicated.

Generally people who are gifted as indigo has appeared since birth, even the reality as it is generally also a hereditary gift. So, naturally they did have that gift and the sharpness of his intuition different from one another.

There are very sensitive to can have the vision through space and time, for example, while holding the phone she could tell his interlocutor wear what color or anything while snacking, also has a vision of the events of the past or future and such expertise is owned people who dubbed the paranormal.

However, there also could only feel the comfort of a place or more can be read "the minds of people", some are able to do something which he had never learned before, such as certain sports skills, writing, painting until it becomes well-known expert hairdressing and so on.

There are some people who turned into indigo child and have all the advantages because it is free from a serious illness or accident are usually severe medically already stated there is no hope of living longer, but knew it could come back and lead a normal healthy life as if newly freed from death and have a sharp intuition abilities, even so could memunyai specialized skills, like so therapists / healers with special abilities / healer medicinal plants and so on.

Dealing with Indigo Children
Berkepintaran Indigo children generally high, although it can not be measured by the size of the school achievement rankings. They have the ability to think, adult-level dialogue. So, be careful when dealing with an indigo do not measure their thinking ability of age and education. Sometimes what is not natural to think of us as adults, indigo can achieve it. So, he impressed many minds and many wants, making them like small children being labeled as a "wise guy" or else be branded as an adult because people like to consider the other sombonglah dialogue (late thinkers).

Strangely what they want, will generally be obtained easily and does not seem unreasonable. For example, indigo children nagged her mother requested her favorite cake, but because a lot of things the mother can not give him, he wept today as he boasted that he would get the cake and she emphatically said repeatedly will surely get it!

The Mama just sighed inwardly humming to himself, who said even though you weep who does want to give your favorite cake? But, what happened, the evening his father came home with a cake that awaited and dad got it as a gift from a relation who visited the office. Well not a coincidence!

So do not underestimate their determination to get.
Indigo many of which have the ability beyond reason. For example, he could see and dialogue with friends in another world who can not see another person or a family picnic suddenly been designed cooked ahead of time just because he felt would get a hindrance or accident on his way, so it's off.

Now that's a dilemma for the environment because the indigo is believed that intuition, batallah family picnic just because feelings are not unfounded. However, if the opposition also had no fear that it is a hunch and everything can happen. Finally, indigo is also criticized as a "culprit" was, and some even regard it as the mentally ill to the extent required even want to be treated is forced to shrink.

There came a cry as she tells teenagers that he was not delusional, or insane as her parents accused him. Namely, that he truly sees beings bully who always came to him and caused one family member is ill.

He said why often throw things in the room or in another room in the house just because he saw and wanted to expel the creepy creatures that he saw the pitch, but the mother is felt as a devout religious family if to believe things who told his son is something shameful.

Therefore, the mother argued where there are evil spirits (demons) who dared to disturb his family, obedient when they worship, pray diligently and so on. As a result, the verdict is considered insane and placed "while" he admitted to the Clinic for Mental Rehabilitation. Say it is very fortunate that indigo children born in the midst of a family that does have that gift or at least understand it, like the mother that the author knew well, the mother recalled that she had often scolded, even beaten for the mother who yelled at a lot of panic fear because creepy little creatures creeping in her mother's body.

Now the child has become a mother-daughter berputra three people and all like him, the greatest daughter memunyai exceptional sharpness intuition as to all the programs that made ​​almost always a goal. For example go to school with the money paid far below his friends that his father provided the money left to buy things imaginary.

Surprisingly, the amount of rupiah rate can be exactly who he designed and daughter had a charisma that could make friends willing to help any keperluannya ranging from trivial things to big things and bothered.

The second son as her mother saw the spirits roam and make it earned the nickname "the coward" because it always ask if the company entered the room she said mischievously, and he feared creatures alone. However, because the mother had also experienced it, the situation "more right" than to have mothers who did not see and did not believe even sentenced crazy.

The third son has a keen intuition as the first brother and like to be partners with her mother to program the wishes ranging from easy to get parking in the crowded malls to get the goods need a hard to come by, so it can be obtained easily because only those brings together both the mind to get it. The father lived, often made dazed and often yelled at.

Let's see in western movies how the police are recruiting people who are called indigo is also psychic to help uncover the complicated crime to reveal the normal sense. In fact, there are schools or special associations for people with talent. A friend of mine got his bachelor's degree of America for his talent and feel very happy because after all now with a gift she can help others and need it.

In America, a child genius written by Mother Teresa Sujanti is directly addressed and was appointed state assets.

Well, unfortunately not, it is expected there would pioneered and funded to make a special club so they could benefit from her gift. Not a few indigo children are confused by its ability to become frustrated and end up taking the wrong path through life in this, like being trapped in drug use because they want to eliminate what they experienced from the neighborhood who was always booed and branded as the oblique, chaotic children, children of dissidents and so on.

Maybe for people who are not experiencing will continue to scoff, but I am sure in some countries have more people entered the category of indigo child, even some people who have big names with the appropriate expertise, such as a child psychiatrist, psychologist, physician, lecturer, teacher or anyone who wants to think about the future of children, is expected to help set up a special club for kids, and gives the correct direction, so a frustrated state of indigo children do not cause annoyance, clutter family or "family shame" because they have children defects, ie mental illness is a shame.