In the photo looks similar to a human figure sitting on a rock edge. Photos released by NASA's Spirit rover spacecraft recorded shortly after the successful landing on the Martian surface. Spirit is one of NASA's twin spacecraft are still active along the surface of Mars.
The emergence of the image is immediately received many responses and trigger a variety of speculation by posting blogs and forums on the Internet. Some bloggers assess the figure is just a camera trick, while others remain unsure as evidence of the existence of aliens.
There is a judge looks like a dwarf, some are convinced as a figure of the Virgin Mary. People who believe in the mysterious creature believes it is the figure of Bigfoot, mountain creatures walk upright and bushy that sparked many legends around the world.
However, on average many are agreed that the shape is very similar to the statue of the Little Mermaid, Mermaid characters that exist in the Danish capital, Copenhagen. "It might be an alien civilization that then leave Mars and live in Denmark," wrote one comment on the Internet.
However, opinions are written in Badastromy.com provide feedback from other perspectives. "A human being? He is just a small-sized stones a few inches tall. It was only a few feet from these probes. "
Regardless of the debate, NASA might not think there is something strange in this photo. Humans could not live on the surface of Mars with current conditions, except for microscopic organisms that are resistant to extreme environments. Nevertheless, the evidence of life on Mars continues to look for.
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