Even in the modern world where ordinary people fly using jets and space ships, we'll never eliminate our dream to be able to fly. The ability to fly a human being is not limited in any mythology. It happened in the lives of mankind since time immemorial, although only a form of myth or legend that we hear from generation to generation. Around the world, since time immemorial to the present, we often find stories about people who can really fly. The story of the oldest and most detailed descriptions come from the ancient Vedic tadisi, which was hovering and flying is one skill that can be developed by humans.
Meanwhile in Europe, levitation (flying / floating) is owned by 200 people holy, and is commonly referred to as a miracle in the Roman Catholic tradition.
One of the best examples is St. Joseph of Cupertino, a saint from Italy in the 17th century. More than one hundred flights (without a plane of course) officially recorded during his lifetime. As an illustration, like a melodious voice, he will fly high into the air, circling the church ceiling and floated in the air, sometimes for fifteen minutes, sometimes for two hours, and many people who witnessed it. Currently St. Joseph of Cupertino is one person who can fly through the air.
In the first century, the Greek philosopher, Saint Apollonius of Tyana went to India, where he reported that he saw the Brahmins (priests) "They float up to nearly one meter above the ground." Most of the historians say that the story was purely a fantasy . But Ernest Wood, a British writer who wrote the Eastern philosophy, reported the same thing when he went to India and these are just a few decades ago. "I remember on one occasion when a yogi (yoga expert) parents were floating in the air in the supine posture of about 1.8 meters in the open air, about half an hour, while the newcomers are welcome to pass the handle on the distance between the land and the people are ... Floating or build up the body from the ground and float a few feet in the air above the seat or sofa is ... a fact which is universally accepted in India. "
Is it possible Flying Yoga? How a man can float or fly through the air against the law of gravity? Flying Yoga or the so-called yogic flying to see all the human potential in a new, expanded thinking about what can be achieved by a man, look with a new style on the relationship between the human mind and the universe.
In recent years, quantum physics has identified the most fundamental or basic than the secrets of nature, all part of natural law in which all the laws of nature including gravity forces, is discussed. This natural law to explain all forms and all the phenomena occurring in the universe, including the human mind and body.
An understanding of the ancient Vedic carried by Maharishi has brought enlightenment and more, by identifying the universal part of this as part of an infinite pure awareness. Since humans have a basic awareness and resources from the most basic law of nature is the human mind can be open at all levels from nature and from which all can work. With the functioning of the most basic level, we may order a total potential of nature to us. We can achieve the knowledge to know everything, do everything and solve everything. All things are possible. Our potential is unlimited.
Transcendental Meditation technique allows us to open our minds to calm down and feel the consciousness of pure, all natural laws, in our own consciousness. Yogic Flying is a fraction of the program, allowing our minds to think and react in the most basic laws of nature are.
Because it is Yogic Flying is not defy the laws of gravity or the laws of any nature. It allows us to access and turn on the total potential of natural law who lives in us, opening our store of energy and intelligence to all possibilities and complete the activities of our daily lives.
Around the world, people who can fly variously said to have evolved spiritually in their social life. In Europe they are called saints; in India called yogis; in southeast Asia called arahants; in Aboriginal Australia is called "clever men" or doctors. Many people told in fables, fairy tales, legends or myths. Providing universal assumption that flying is something that is not possible, but we must believe in human ability, anything becomes possible.