Sunday, November 6, 2011

Facts About Animals, Strange But True

We often do not realize that animals that exist in this world even those around us have a miracle. The facts about the animal is classified under strange but true:

  • Baby blue whales can weigh up to 7 tonnes at birth.
  • Cod fish (fish oil) can spawn up to 9 million units.
  • Snakes can see through the blindfold.
  • Elephants spend 23 hours a day to eat.
  • Heriang bird can eat so much that can not fly again.
  • Amazon lizard can run across (above) of water.
  • Fleas can jump as high as 30 cm, 200 times the size of his body.
  • Green flies can smell meat from distances 7 km.
  • Many migrating birds, and sea birds north pole is the most amazing. They can fly from one place to the north pole and back a distance of 32,000 km.
  • Some types of animals can regrow body parts lost / damaged. Starfish can grow new arms. Worms can regenerate its tail missing, as well as lizards, can grow a new tail.
  • Golden poison frog could kill up to 1500 people.
  • Giant octopus has the largest eyes than any animal. The size reached 39 cm, 16 times wider than the size of the human eye.
  • Eagle prey can detect more than 8 miles away.
  • An insect (fly) his life just one day, but a tortoise can live to 100 years.
  • Termalas mammals are armadillos, sloth, and squirrels. They spend 80% of her life sleeping and nodding off.
  • Stegosaurus is one of the most popular dinosaurs that have up to 9 meters long, but only the size of a walnut brain