Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Arsenic Know

What is arsenic?...What is arsenic? let's check...

Arsenic Daily

Arsenic is a chemical element metalloids (semilogam) class VA, tangible white powder, without color and odor (that's why arsenic is well known in the affairs of the toxin-poisoned food!). Name of arsenic was first derived from Persian and Greek zarnig arsenikon which means yellow. Arsenic in everyday life (outside of the poison-poison) materials used for pesticides in fruits. Gallium arsenide semiconductor material can be used as an electrical circuit. In medicine, arsenic also have a special place. In ancient times been used as a medicinal arsenic syphilis, namely Salvarsan. Until now arsenic still be an alternative treatment tripanosomiasis Africa (in the form of melarsoprol). Arsenic is also used in dyes and paints industries.

Arsenic in Drinking Water

In everyday life, our food may also contain small amounts of arsenic. The concentration of arsenic is considered harmless in drinking water by WHO is less than 10 ppb (parts per billion). Besides being the subject of arsenic pesticides used to spray the vegetables and fruits, arsenic is also potential to pollute the waters. This was never a serious problem in China and Bangladesh, and surrounding areas in 2005. Arsenic found in water is arsenate arsenic form V (HAsO42-) and arsenit III (H3AsO3). In the wild arsenate and arsenit can experience reversible redox reactions. Concentrations found can reach 200-4400 ppb, or 0.2-4.4 ppm (parts per million).

Arsenic as a Poison

Form of arsenic is known is As2O3, arsenic trioxide or arsenic alias. Arsenic is shaped in the form of a white powder that dissolves in water. Another form is a yellow powder and powdered red realgar As2S3 As4S4. Both paint was popular as an ingredient, but because ultimately they do not use toxic anymore. The shape of the gas, which is also toxic; is arsin (As2H3).

Why is arsenic poisonous? Arsenic can inhibit the production of ATP, a source of energy for living cells, through various mechanisms. In the Krebs cycle enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase inhibits arsenic, so that ATP synthesis is reduced and instead increase the production of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing highly reactive to living cells, then the fact that living cells are attacked. Cells that are attacked arsenic will experience necrosis and death immediately.

Arsenic poisoning can occur in two ways, namely acute and chronic. Acute means the arsenic administered in a single dose of a very large and straight off. This dose is about the size of 120-200 mg in adults or 2 mg / kg in those weighing less than 60 kg. For matters of poisoning, usually actors mixing arsenic in food in doses several-fold, to anticipate the victim vomiting as a result of this acute poisoning. Symptoms of acute toxicity consisted of nausea and vomiting accompanied by severe abdominal pain. The patient's breath smells like garlic. Sometimes he immediately seizures and coma. Victim's blood pressure went down and he looked like severe dehydration.

While chronic way is the way that "fits" performed by the chef or cook who had business or personal grudges with the employer. Here the actors put arsenic in the number nonletal food many times in his victim, to make him sick. At one point the victim was given very large amounts of arsenic. Patients with chronic poisoning early symptoms of poisoning such as acute poisoning, but eventually came symptoms enhancements. He will experience changes in skin color becomes gray or blackish, impaired liver function, heart function, lung function, and renal function. Peripheral nerve function is also disturbed symmetrically. But the most obvious are the nails, where the visible horizontal lines-tiered bunk. This line is called Mees' lines. These lines are useful in forensic investigations because by measuring the length of the nail and the distance between the lines, experts can determine how long once the victim of arsenic poisoning.

Cope With Arsenic Poisoning

How to cope with arsenic poisoning differ between acute and chronic poisoning. For acute poisoning that has not lasted 4 hours, the victim was given ipekak to stimulate vomiting. Can also be done rinse the stomach when he can not drink. Giving katartik or karboaktif can be beneficial. As for the toxicity that has lasted longer than that (including chronic toxicity), should be given antidotumnya, namely dimerkaprol intramuscular injection of 3-5 mg / kg 4-6 times daily for 2 days. Treatment was continued 2-3 times daily for 8 days.