Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mysterious Skull Found by a Plumber in Dallas

May 2009, a plumber who was working on a project outside of North Dallas school accidentally finds a mysterious skull. "We all know that it is a primate skull," said David Evans, 25 years, the inventor of Alvarado. "Only we do not know of any type."

The skull was buried about 5 feet in the ground, he said. The length of the skull was approximately 15 cm from the front to the rear and a width of about 6 cm. Most of his teeth are still incomplete, including canine teeth along the 3 cm.

Evans said the skull was found last week in St. school. Alcuin Montessori road between Churchill and Preston streets. An anthropologist from the Tarrant County Medical Examiner's office, Dr. Dana Austin is observing photos of the skull is said that the skull was from an "ancient primate", possibly a monkey or chimpanzee.

Evans, who talked to other experts believe that the chances are it is a skull of a baboon. "Of all the people I ask for opinions, all say that the skull was most likely the skull of a baboon." He said. "But how the skull to get to Churchill Road Preston, I do not know."

Evans and other workers have also found small bone fragments nearby. likely to come from the same creature. Evans plans to sell the skull if someone offered a good price.