Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Inventor of Safety Equipment

Now a days we often encounter a variety of safety equipment that weuse are unconsciously, like when we wear dresses or pants. Do you know who the inventor of the tools that help improve the safety of our lives?


Airbags were first discovered in 1951 by Walter Linderer based on compressed air systems, but not fast enough to save the passengers of the vehicle.

Allen Breed find airbags use sensors and safety systems.
In 1971 the Ford company began experimenting with the airbag, and using it since 1973, followed by other automobile companies.In 1998 airbags became mandatory in the U.S..


Parachutes were first discovered in 1783 by Sebastien Lenomand (French), although already sketched and is imagined by Leonardo Da Vinci.
The inventor of the parachute folding is Jean Pierre Blanchard, 1793, using silk material.
Users first parachute is Andrew Garnerin who in 1797 jumped from a hot air balloon at an altitude of 8000 feet using a parachute silk and witnessed many people survived.
Captain Thomas Baldwin in 1887 found the parachute rope and Paul in 1890 Kathchen Letteman and Paul create a method for folding parachutes diransel dipunggung person brought before it opened.


Officially known as personal flotation device (PFD) is a tool to float so that the head above the water surface.
Jackets buoy was first discovered by Captain Ward, a National Rescue Vessel Inspector Institutions in UK in 1854 using lightweight materials that float in water. Since it was developed, including an enhanced in 1928 by Peter Mark who introduced a life jacket that developed after the blow.

Fire Extinguisher (Fire Brigade)

George William Manby (l765-l854) created the first fire department in 1813. Originally just a siliner tubes containing 3 gallons of water and compressed air.
In 1860 a Frenchman named Francois Carlier creating a fire extinguisher containing a mixture of water and soda and a small bottle containing sulfuric acid, which if broken will cause a small bottle of bubbles that will squirt water.
After that the system and recharge fire extinguishers are increasingly refined to combat various types of fires.

Seat Belt

Volvo has a first belt in 1849. The first patent for a seat belt in a vehicle in the U.S. given to Edward J. Claghorn (New York) in February 1885. Swedish inventor, Nils Bohlin created the modern three-point seat belt is the standard security in today's vehicles.

Bicycle Helmets

In the beginning cyclists not using helmets, but as more and more cycling accidents in 1970, the Snell Foundation requires the use of helmets for cyclists. The problem is there is no helmet that fits.
In 1974 the company issued a Bell Biker helmet to pengedara bike and after that helmet cyclists increasingly refined.

Zebra Cross

After several experiments, zebra cross was first used in 1000 a place in England in 1949, initially in the form of blue and yellow.There are many variations of the application form, but generally the same size and same color of white-and-white line across the street.

Traffic Light (Lights Traffic Manager)

Discovered in 1918 by the American Police Officer William L.Potts in Detroit, Michigan. He's looking for the solution to the problems of increasing road accidents at the intersection collision.Potts used railroad signal lights of red, yellow and green as well as cables and control equipment worth 37 dollars to create the world's first traffic light. Installed in 1920 and thereafter used worldwide.

Motorcycle Helmets

Motorcycle helmet was first invented by Gottlieb Daimler in 1885, in a form that is simple and less safety equipment (for low speed motorcycle). Prof. 1953. C.F. Lombard created and patented his motorcycle helmet for safety concern. Based on this creation motorcycle helmet then refined and applied throughout the world.

Condom (Condom)

Security sex've done since the days of Egyptian Pharaohs.Materials used vary, ranging from fabric, leather, even in ancient Japan he used a combination of leather and horn.
Modern condom begins when Charles Goodyear developed the process of vulcanizing rubber, resulting in very thin rubber, patented in 1844. The model is what we know today.