Saturday, November 12, 2011

Well of Zam Zam and turned the Facts

So far, we know well of Zamzam from religious books. But there are actually scientific side as well saintifiknya looh. Branch of geology that studies about water is hydrogeologi.

Usefulness of Zam-zam water is certainly not here that should be explained, but if mythical geological Zam-zam well could probably be explained here. A little story of Pre-Islamic, or before the birth of Prophet Muhammad, beginning with the story of Prophet Ibrahim's wife, Siti Hajar, who are looking for water for her story. The well is then not much or no story, so well is reportedly missing.
Well of Zam-zam we currently see is the wells dug by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, the Prophet Muhammad. So today, the "science persumuran" then the well of Zam-zam, including categories of dug wells (Dug Well Water).

Recorded Figure on Mars

Whether Mars is so quiet with no life at all? The debate on this increasingly heated up again when the photo figure aliens on the surface of Mars circulating on the internet.
In the photo looks similar to a human figure sitting on a rock edge. Photos released by NASA's Spirit rover spacecraft recorded shortly after the successful landing on the Martian surface. Spirit is one of NASA's twin spacecraft are still active along the surface of Mars.

Human Fly

Throughout history, people are very interested in flying. One example is the ancient Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus escaped from the labyrinth that is the Island of Crete with his wings.