Saturday, October 22, 2011

Unique Kemukus Mountain

Located Kemukus Mountain in the Village of  Pendem, District Sumber Lawang, Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia, 30 km north of Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.

    Kemukus Mountain

To reach this area is not too difficult, from our Solo Purwodadi majors can take a bus and get off at Belawan (on the left side of the road we will find the gate that reads "Mountain Tourism Region cubeb") from here we can ride "motorcycle taxi" or walking towards the crossing by boat.

Note that since the flooding Kedung Ombo, Kemukus Mountain be like an "island" but during the dry season the water will recede and we practically do not need anymore service crossings.

Kemukus Mountain identical as sex tourism area because in this place people can consume free sex at will with reason to undergo the ritual of pilgrimage behavior, that requirement if they want to be rich and successful. In an unofficial rule that required that every pilgrim must visit the tomb of Prince Samudro 7 times which are usually done on Friday night Pon and Friday Kliwon  (Javanese calendar) or in the days and months are believed to be good, having sex with someone who is not a husband or wife (they may bring their own spouses or may meet there).
Told of a prince of the kingdom of Majapahit named Prince Samudro (some are called nobility is derived from the Majapahit, some are suspected of Pajang era), the Oedipus who fell in love with her ​​own mother (Goddess Ontrowulan). Father Prince Samudro who know the child-mother relationship into a rage and then expel Prince Samudro. In misery, trying to forget Prince Samudro kesedi only crossed the globe, eventually he came to Mount cubeb. Soon the mother followed her son to Mount cubeb longing for release. But damn, mother and child before it is put through an intimate relationship, population about who caught them both and then chop in a gang until they died. Both were later buried in a grave on the mountain as well. But according to the story, before the last breath Samudro Prince had left a message that is to anyone who can continue the relationships between husband and wife who had not done it will be granted all taannya request. More is said that he said so, "Okay I give up, but listen to my vow. Who wants to imitate my actions, that is to redeem my sins and I will help him in any form ... "